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Professional cricket coaching Join us for Summer Cricket,Holidays courses , ECB level 3 coach Manoj Parmar From age 5 + to , 37 Years of PASSION & DEDICATION in Cricket Coaching. Enjoy, Learn & Achieve in High quality cricket coaching from a ECB Level 3 coach.


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Cricket Academy
Affiliated to ECB and OCB

Enjoy, Learn & Achieve- High Quality Cricket Coaching
Softball Winter Cricket nets 2025- Starting in January
Course Director Manoj Parmar International coach ,ECB LEVEL 3.

Are you looking for a way to improve your cricket before the outdoor season begins? Look no further as our Indoor winter cricket training program helps you to improve before the outdoor cricket season begins. It is the ideal opportunity to work with Manoj and other coaches to improve your game before the season. 

Professionally qualified ECB level 3 coach, played 11 years of First class cricket in India, Manoj Parmar, assisted by other qualified coaches. Will lead the sessions and all the facilities of Lord Williams Lower School indoor sports hall will be available for use, including nets, training pitch, bowling machine, and Games equipment.

At: Lord Williams Lower school Indoor Sports Hall

Queen's Rd, Thame, OX9 3NQ

The basic format of the sessions will be:

Age 6-11, Time 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, School year: 1-5 SoftBall Cricket

Course dates:




12th, 19th, 26th


2nd, 9th,


2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd

Course no Date:  January 12th, 19th, 26th, Feb 2nd, 9th, 16th March 2nd, 9th, 16th
Age:  6-10
cost:  £ 100
MP academy member: £90
Per day :  £25

For further details, phone MP Sports Academy on 01844 212226 Mobile 07796987653
MP Sports, Unit C- 4, Station Yard, Thame, OX9 3UH.

Places will be awarded on a first come first served basis .Terms &condition apply see web.

Booking form

Name :
Father's Name :
Mother's Name :
Father’s Occupation :
Mother’s Occupation :
Address :
Date of birth :
Emergency Contact No. :
Email Id :
School Year :
If your child suffers from any medical condition the coach should be aware of, please give details below.:
Days :
School Name :
Payment Type :
Payable to : MP sports academy Ltd,
Account no : 00213604
Short code : 30-98-56
Send Cheque to MP Sports ,Business Unit C-4 station Yard, Thame,Oxon, OX93 UH


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