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Professional cricket coaching Join us for Summer Cricket,Holidays courses , ECB level 3 coach Manoj Parmar From age 5 + to , 37 Years of PASSION & DEDICATION in Cricket Coaching. Enjoy, Learn & Achieve in High quality cricket coaching from a ECB Level 3 coach.


Welcome to MP Sports Cricket Academy in Thame, Oxfordshire

MP Academy is managed by Manoj Parmar, an experienced ECB Level III coach, MCC member and ex First Class Cricketer from Saurashtra in India. For 35 years Manoj has worked tirelessly to offer a high quality coaching and competition programme in and around Thame – a small market town in South Oxfordshire.... (more)


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The most popular cricket courses for five days, four days, three days, two days or one day.(Download Form)


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Summer holidays cricket courses from 29h July -31 Aug

Date : 29 July, 2024

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Date : 31 May, 2024

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