We hope you have had a wonderfully relaxing Christmas and New Year. Unbelievably we are now only a week away from the start of our Indoor Cricket Courses, which begin on the 7th of January at Lord Williams's School Sports Hall. There are still some spaces available if you would like to book onto a course. Please find the application form via the link below, or head to MP Sports Cricket Academy Website and click on the relevant courses tab.
Head Coach, Manoj Parmar, is an international level three coach and ex first class cricket player with 38 years of coaching experience. His professional approach focuses on improving technique and is the best way to improve cricket skills prior to the new season. Level three coaching is the highest level of cricket coaching available, and Manoj Parmar is dedicated to inspiring children to play more cricket. Winter training is very different to club training and it is well known that any technique changes or new skills are best learnt or changed over the course of the winter. Indoor winter cricket training is the ideal opportunity to do this.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Our year plan for 2024 is currently in production and is due to be published next week. Watch this space for more details. In the meantime, there are several events to watch out for this month. MP Sports Development Trust are looking to run a 'Water Walking' event and are currently waiting for confirmation of pool hire from the TLC. This will be a FREE EVENT for children and will include water based activities and games. It's a great way for children to stay active over the winter and to have fun with their friends.
We are also planning to plant thirty more Baby Willow trees at the end of January. Trees from pervious years are doing very well and helping to make Thame green. If you would like to make a donation towards the upkeep of these little trees please do let us know.
MP Sports Cricket Academy would also like to give children the chance to practice their diving catches in the deep end of the big pool at the TLC this year - more details to follow.
This year, MP Sports Cricket Academy are happy to announce that we will be having some international students visiting the ground for coaching and practice. Many of these students will be travelling independently and will be away from home for the first time. We are currently looking for local places for our students to stay. If you have a spare room that you would like to offer to an international student over the summer, please do let us know.
Once again, we hope you have had a great start to the new year and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Over the summer, MP Sports Academy managed to obtain planning permission for a 2.5 storey cricket pavilion. This will be an incredible asset for the town, with changing facilities for home and away teams, a bar and restaurant and kitchen facilities. We are currently looking for investment for this amazing project. If you know of anyone who may be interested in supporting us or for more information, please let us know.
Kind regards