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Professional cricket coaching Join us for Summer Cricket,Holidays courses , ECB level 3 coach Manoj Parmar From age 5 + to , 37 Years of PASSION & DEDICATION in Cricket Coaching. Enjoy, Learn & Achieve in High quality cricket coaching from a ECB Level 3 coach.


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Flood Light Cricket Nets start from 18 th September

Cricket Academy
Affiliated to ECB and OCB

Enjoy, Learn & Achieve- High Quality Cricket Coaching
Floodlight Cricket Training Aged 13- 17 - 18th September 2020
Course Director Manoj Parmar International coach ,ECB LEVEL 3.

This year we will be doing special night training sessions, every Friday evening for one month and maybe longer depending on how cold it gets and how the kids feel. 
This is the 
1 st session from  6 pm - 7:30 pm for ages 10-13, we will only be taking 15 kids on the course,
 2 nd session 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm for ages 13-17, we will only be taking 15 kids on the course, so please book early. 
The cost will be only £60 per person for four sessions, please book early to guarantee a space.
The sessions are all Hard ball only, please bring your own White cricket balls and please wear dark clothing. 
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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